Friday, July 04, 2008

1896 Oops

Friday, July 4, 2008

It's 73 degrees, still, sunny, and not too humid outside. Perfect for beating back the weeds.

I had three of those long-handled loppers. Now I seem to have none. I wonder if the guys who cleared the side yard "found" any.

Anyway, I was out there pulling up Virginia Creeper vines trailing through the front (laughingly-called) flower bed, grabbing handfulls of vine and leaning back at a 45 degree angle to pop pop pop them out of the ground, when I looked down and found that one of those vines had three leaves, not five.


I've handled poison ivy before without reacting, but I've also heard that at some point your luck runs out. I washed. I abandoned the weeding. We'll see.

If I do get a rash, it won't be for a few days, but already I itch all over, even places that couldn't possibly have had contact. I do that. All I have to do is see a spider in my bedroom, or find a tick on the dog, and all night long I feel things walking on me.


The Man is working today. He's got a contract with a foreign company that doesn't observe American holidays ("Ok", I shrug). I'll see him tomorrow.

How come I keep getting involved with guys who aren't available on holidays, let alone 3-day weekends? I've gotta fix that. Next time around. At least this guy I believe when he tells me where he is and what he's doing, unlike the last guy, who told me he was visiting his ailing parents all the time, but actually was spending weekends and holidays with his other girlfriend.

Of course, there's that tiny voice in the back of my head, whispering, "You don't really know. He may just be better at hiding things." I guess that's the problem with long distance relationships.


Becs said...

Sorry to say that it's true, one's luck can run out about poison ivy. I tromped through the stuff like crazy when I was a kid. Poison oak, poison ivy, poison sumac and only rarely did a chigger hop on long enough to do any damage. Then one day while I was hacking away at the undergrowth near Casa Melancholia, I basically injected myself with poison ivy. I never, ever, ever want to have that again.

Chris said...

I've been very lucky. Despite brushes with poison ivy, I haven't become sensitized to it yet, so I've never had a reaction. Hopefully you are the same!