Sunday, August 23, 2015
Every time we impose our will on another, it is an act of violence.
What's with all the baseball caps? It seems like every male I see in this area wears one,
all the time! Walking down the street. Shopping in the hardware store. Working in the yard. Watching TV in their living rooms. Sitting at a table in a decent restaurant! Do they ever take them off? Do they sleep in them?
There's a guy a few doors up who wears a suit to work. He doesn't wear a baseball cap to work, although everyone else seems to. Hercules wears nice shirts and slacks to work, and he doesn't wear a baseball cap either. For yard work and ramming around he wears what looks like a floppy Australian campaign hat. Otherwise, it's all baseball caps all the time around here. I hate it!
I told The Man I had eaten at an Ethiopian restaurant. He asked if there was anything on the plate.
Some senator wants to get really tough about mental health tracking, for strengthening gun control background checking.
Yeah, ok, I see where that's coming from, but I suspect it would only make things worse. When I was young, men wouldn't even consider any kind of counseling for
anything, not even if they were seeing little green men who were telling them to do stuff. It was considered unmanly to admit that they might need some help handling issues. Over the decades that attitude has relaxed a little, but not so much in the very population that wants guns. A "permanent record" of seeking help that might prevent one's getting a gun will, among that population, absolutely shut down any possibility of help, any admission of weakness even to the people closest to them. The "nuts with guns" will go further underground than they are already.
Bad idea, but I have nothing better to offer.
Latest tooth-grinder: the Rhinebeck town blog/newsletter (at the country house) sent out an alert that the Linden Avenue bridge failed inspection, and has been closed until it can be replaced. Estimates as to how long that will take will depend on efforts to obtain the "right-a-way" for the replacement. "Right-a-way" was used several times in the article, and my stomach clenched every time. Another example of "of" being misused, and another example of someone saying something with no idea whatsoever as to what they are saying.
My hair has passed the bra strap and is now three fingers from my waist in the back. It doesn't appear so long in the front, though, I guess because it's cut in a curve. I'm still shedding a LOT - there are long hairs everywhere, in everything. They compete with Jasper fur in the dust bunnies. But I'm growing new hair at a good pace, too, so it's still thick (thickish - my hair is too fine to ever look thick) as it goes up toward the scalp. In the least bit of humidity all the new hairs make a curly corona of fuzz around my head. It makes me look frazzled. I probably should start smoothing it with some kind of dressing --- but I really don't want to. It seems happy frizzing.
I own a bazillion pairs of earrings (clip, I'm not pierced), including some I've been wearing since the '70s. I love wearing earrings; they draw attention away from my face. However, I haven't been wearing any kind of makeup in several years now, and for some reason I had this idea that I couldn't wear earrings unless I was made-up. Not that I'd thought about it at all, just that with no makeup I didn't think of earrings.
I recently realized I really miss them. I'm wearing them again, makeup be damned.