Monday, May 11, 2009
(Why does this date seem significant to me? Am I missing someone's birthday?)
On the hair - To review, about a week and a half ago I tried a 6-12 shampoo temporary hair coloring. I was after a sort of medium beige blond. I got light brown with pink highlights. Two shampoos later it was pink. After the third shampoo, Daughter told me on Sunday that it was purple. Well, maybe fuschia.
I didn't expect to see The Man until this Thursday or later, so I thought I would be able to squeeze in four more shampoos before he saw it (I normally wash my hair every three days or so), but he said today he'd like to get together tomorrow. Ack!
I gave up and dyed it. I used the same stuff I usually use on just the dark patch above my forehead (L'Oreal les Blondissimes, color LB01), but this time all over. LB01 matches the natural color. I'm not happy doing it all over, but the fuscia was all over, so I have to. I'll deal with dry ends later.
The mirror says it looks fine, even pretty, but mirrors lie! I'm desperate for someone who is not colorblind (thanks Piper, but no), and who won't lie to be nice (thanks post office lady, but no). Someone who will say "It's pink!" or "It's green now!" if it is. (Gypsy? Daughter?) I'm freaking out here.
I spent the day with Daughter in NJ yesterday. We went walking in Cheesequake State Park (that name always brings up a mildly unpleasant visual image). She likes to walk, and I need to walk, but I always think the subtext is that she's checking my heart and lung function. I can't keep up with her on speed, but I can do the distance, and that seems to satisfy her.
Ex#2 has suddenly got on a genealogy kick. He's doing trees for Daughter and SIL Hercules, and he's starting to really annoy me. He keeps pushing for information from me that I've already told him three times I don't have.
I did tell him that 30 years ago Gramma had sent a newspaper clipping mentioning the village her people had come from, but I wasn't sure where the clipping was now. I couldn't find the clipping, but I did remember the name (
Trefeglwys-Llandinam, Wales), so I sent him that information. Now he wants me to "look harder", find the clipping, and send him a scan of it.
Sheesh. Uh, no.
I'm sorry I mentioned it.
A while back I mentioned an increase in eBay spoof emails. This is the pitiful text of the latest:
Dear member,
Due to the last changes apperead on eBay platform we need your assistance one more time for your security.
It appears that your eBay account was inactive in the last week. You will have to confirm your informations once again so we can update our databases.
All these measures are made concerning your security. Also there are inactive users wich doesn't use their eBay accounts anymore and we need an active marketplace.
You have 24 hours, 11/05/2009 to confirm your informations.
eBay International AG
That's so sad, I almost feel sorry for the scammers.
(For safety, I broke the link. The actual, hidden, link is "". They used HTML to make it look like it's a link to eBay.)
Listening to BBC news. What we call a brush fire, they call a bush fire. Actually, that makes more sense.
On The View today, a man, asked why men cheat, answered that it's because there are so many women who are quite willing to help him cheat. Interesting thought.