Thursday, July 03, 2008

1893 Gotta Watch

Thursday, July 3, 2008

I'm almost ashamed to admit how much I enjoyed this video. I sent it to The Man, and he cried. And shot soda out his nose.

If you've ever dealt with IT support - those guys you call somewhere in the bowels of your building when something isn't working right - you'll appreciate it too. Or if you've ever tried to help a clueless end user.

Set aside 10 minutes. The control bar is at the bottom of the display. Probably not worksafe. It starts out slow and hard to understand, but it gets better.

Just to whet your curiosity, the tagline people take away from it is "You can't arrange things by penis!"


Becs said...

There is one very shifty-eyed guy on the helpdesk at Unnamed Co. I'll bet he's just like this and I have to say, I don't trust this guy one teeny tiny bit. The video had me holding my sides and crying. Er, I worked on a helpdesk once.

~~Silk said...

Yeah, it's funny no matter which side of the help desk you've been on. The people he talks to on the phone are clueless. "Uh, it's a picture." "Now I can find my stuff. Thanks."

~~Silk said...

It moved. It's now at