Sunday, April 20, 2008

1771 Rotten Cat....

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Dean Koontz, Mr. Murder: We sense that life is a dark comedy and maybe we can live with that. However, because the whole thing is written for the entertainment of the gods, too many of the jokes go right over our heads.


Jasper has shredded the living room curtains. I think he must have gotten a claw caught, and pulled, and now there's a six-foot horizontal tear about two feet up. That's a 16-foot expanse of floor to ceiling window. Not cheap.

The resulting clear rectangle affords him an excellent view of the bird and chipmunk activity in the back yard. I hope he hasn't learned that that's the way to open the drapes.

If so, I may have to kill him.


Chris said...

Dear Mom,

Put 30 unmarked cans of tuna (chunk, spring water, none of that oily shit) in a brown paper sack by the window by 12pm or else another set of curtains gets "the shred".


PS: If you treasure your drapes, DO NOT CALL THE COPS!

Becs said...

Get thee to Target or WalMart. Buy the cheapest drapes you can find. Welcome to life with more than one cat.