Sunday, March 15, 2009

2309 Maybe some progress

Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Hairless Hunk was working on his yard as I passed this afternoon, so I stopped to talk with him. He's going to clear all my fallen trees this week. That'll be nice, because I was getting anxious about the wildflower seeds. I got them in too late last year, and will be cutting it close this year, but I couldn't have them sprouting and THEN have men tromping around and dragging tree trunks.

He also mentioned that he knows a good man to get me some real air conditioning. I've decided not to get geothermal again.

The old heat pump system took water from the well, ran it through a blower, and then dumped it into a dry well. I didn't want to do that again because the system eventually clogs with silt from the well. If I stayed with ground water heat pump, I'd want a closed system. But that means they'd have to bury several hundred feet of pipe like four feet deep in loops around the yard, and it would have to be in the front yard, because the back yard is my septic field, AND the yard is solid rock starting about 18" down. It would take explosives.

Nah. I'll get a regular old condenser in the side yard.

Plus, the Hairless Hunk says he can help me select and then he can install a water softener system for me.

So, things are looking manageable again.

I was beginning to feel like the house was falling apart around me.

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