Thursday, December 18, 2008

2168 Dodge

Thursday, December 18, 2008

By now everyone has seen the clips of G.W. dodging the shoes. What struck me was his quick reflexes and accurate estimation of where the shoes were going to pass.

You know, if that happened to me, I'd have been hit. I'd see the shoes coming, but my reaction would be more like "that can't be real", and by the time I decided it was real, it would have been too late.

I do that a lot. I see something coming, all kinds of things, and I don't accept that it's real, or that someone could actually do what they're doing, and I get blasted. I wonder why.


Chris said...

That was my first reaction too, nice bob and weave reflexes. Made me wonder if he used to box.

~~Silk said...

Boxing? Maybe he's been hunting with Cheney.