Friday, June 13, 2008

1852 I Cannot Believe It!

Friday, June 13, 2008

My lawn was mowed while I was out yesterday, and the newly seeded grass under the trees got its first mowing. When I came up the driveway, I was impressed by how nice it all looked. It all rolls and flows. It's pretty.

I got a better look this evening.

That section of the back side part of the woods, where I decided not to go with lawn? Where I had spread about $125 worth of wildflower seeds? And planted about 30 flamingos among the trees and the wildflowers? Where the wildflower seeds were coming up nicely? That section?


I am thoroughly utterly absolutely pissed, and the Hairless Hunk is going to hear about it tomorrow. He knew what I was doing with that section. I suspect he didn't do the mowing. I suspect it was one of his summer college minions. But he should have told the kid.

I'm furious!

1 comment:

Kate said...

would love to see pictures of your flamingo farm!