Monday, June 09, 2008

1845 A/C

Monday, June 9, 2008

It was 97 degrees in Rochester when I left there on Friday. It was 100 degrees here and in NJ Saturday and Sunday. When I got home yesterday, it was 84 degrees in my house.

So I decided when it was already 94 outside by 10 am today that it was time to go through the pain of switching over to the groundwater-based heat pump air conditioning (moving baffles, throwing switches, opening valves, etc.). It was 84 in the house when I got it going. It's been running about five hours, and the temperature is now 85.

Sigh. I suspect the tubes are so full of silt from the well that little water is getting through.

It's probably time to give up and look into conventional A/C. Not a happy thought.

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