Sunday, August 05, 2007

1412 New House

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Nice of you to have found your way here. Welcome to my new home.

I moved without leaving a forwarding address, but I am fully aware I haven't hidden completely. A determined searcher will still find me, but not for a while, and I would hope that the effort wouldn't be worth it.

Don't forget to change your Bloglines subscription, if you have one.


Chris said...

Is it ok to post a link on my blog, because that is my "reading list"? If you're worried about the searcher finding you that way, I could call you something else on the link, like "Bubba: Thoughts on Pick Ups & More".

Lemme know:)

Have a great weekend!
My Blog

~~Silk said...

Ooo, I like the new blog name. "Thoughts on Pick Ups...". Almost as good as "Diary of a Disillusioned Dater" (

Links in other people's blogs are fine - no problem. Without MY list of links, they are unlikely to find yours. Go ahead and link.

Kate said...

Thanks for sharing your new location-- I hope this one works out better for you!