Saturday, September 27, 2008

2041 Logical Waste

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Well, I managed to completely waste another day. I got curious about the LSAT. After describing it as an aptitude/IQ test, I realized that I had no idea what it was like, so I went digging.

I want to take the real test! It's chock full of exactly the kind of logic, critical reasoning, and comprehension questions I love! (The links go to some examples and samples.) Man, I could really ace this thing (bouncing up and down in chair)! I could blow it out of the water! I had a lot of fun today working the examples and reading the supplied explanations, and I don't know if the examples they give are purposely easy or what, but I got the right answer on all I tried, every time, and I was fast, and really really really enjoyed the hell out of it. I want more.

Of course, with a prediction like that, that I'd ace it, we don't know which end of the scale I'm operating from, but I printed off two versions of the LSAT (one is a "sample", and the other is the actual test given in June 2007), and as soon as I can find a few consecutive hours without distraction, I plan to find out. (Hmm. I haven't looked at them yet, that would be cheating, so I'm not sure the answers are included. It wouldn't be cheating to look at the last page or two, would it? Oops, yes, especially if that's where the answers are, you idiot. Ok, which end of the scale are we coming from again?)

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