Wednesday, September 24, 2008

2034 Sick

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The previous post was set up Tuesday night, and scheduled to be published today. Otherwise it wouldn't have happened. Not like I had any kind of premonition....

I was sick during the night. I was fine when I went to bed a little after midnight, was reading a book, and then I got cold. Shivering violently. Shaking so badly I couldn't put my glasses on. Boosted the heat, put three layers of clothes on, put a heating pad in the bed. I had to clench my jaws because I was afraid the clattering would break teeth. By 4 am I was sitting on the floor next to the john with a bucket in my lap.

It's times like that that I realize how alone I am.

Today I have a 101 fever, and my whole body feels like I've been beaten badly, kicked all over (I do know exactly what that feels like). The cramps and nausea are gone, though. My hands, feet, and buttocks are desperate for massage, and my jaw aches from the clenching. I am miserable, but it's all up from here, I think.

It's probably norovirus. Don't know where I might have picked it up. I won't wish it on you.

I slept most of today, and now I'm going back to bed.

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