Tuesday, December 11, 2007

1588 Warm!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

I had ordered online several bottles of a special shampoo. They arrived today. The box was stuffed with newspaper, and the bottles were wrapped in newspaper - which happened to be the real estate section of a Birmingham, Alabama, paper.

I was smoothing and flattening the pages to put into the recycle bags, and of course I read them.

OMG! Beautiful houses, half again the size of mine, for half the price! I could take a huge "loss" on this house, and STILL upgrade.

And it's WARM there!

What's the deal? Does no one want to move to Birmingham? What's wrong with Birmingham?

Update: Ok. I have just been told it's the most backward, racist, place in the country. Mensa's national gathering was there this past summer, and was boycotted by many members because of that. I forgot that's where it was.


Becs said...

Why yes, the entire south is full of racist bigots. The people are stupid, ill-mannered, and ignorant.

Being prejudiced or racist never happens up north, thank God. I mean, people in the northeast already know that Southerners are ignorant - just listen to the way they talk! And what's with all that "yes ma'am" and "no sir" and "please" and "thank you" stuff?

Oops. Sorry. Will now switch off rant mode.

~~Silk said...

Point taken. But it IS true that there are some areas where racism is more ingrained, more evident, and more socially condoned. In the 1970's, Central, Pennsylvania, and Lancaster, Pennsylvania, were so vehemently racist I turned down dream jobs rather than live there. (Don't know what the situation is there now....)

~~Silk said...

'Nother bit - Alabama passed SC (in backwardness)a few years back. They actually had t-shirts in Columbia, SC, that read "We're #49...Thank the Lord for Alabama!", referring to their national school system ranking.