Sunday, July 08, 2007

1361 Tongue Studs

Sunday, July 8, 2007

I just read that more than half of Americans between 20 and 35 have at least one tattoo or piercing other than ears. That surprised me.

I can understand some piercings, like in the side of the nose. I couldn't understand why anyone would want their tongue pierced, though.

Back when I was mediating, I asked one of the family court girls who had a stud in her tongue why she did it. Seems like it would be annoying. She slid her eyes sideways to her friends and said, "Becauth I like to thuck it." Her friends cracked up.

That was 10 years ago, and I just found out what tongue studs are "good for", and why her friends laughed.

I can't believe I was so naive!

Please, please tell me it's not true! Convince me there's another advantage to them!

But I guess it explains why guys find them fascinating. Effective advertising.


Becs said...

Be very very careful when you open this site - it can be a major gross-out:

You will be stunned at amazed at what people willingly do to themselves.

~~Silk said...

Eeeek! Yuck! Aaagh!

...although those implanted beads do look interesting....

If I'm ever asked to stud my tongue, those beads will be the price.

Kate said...

Major disadvantage of tongue piercing: cracked and shattered teeth from playing with the stud in one's mouth or biting down on it somehow while eating. Yuck.

Apparently, having one's tongue pierced is somewhat of a mating call, as is wearing contraceptive patches in a very visible location.