Wednesday, June 27, 2007

1330 Random Brain Clutter

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Having been in 12 schools between kindergarten and high school graduation, I've known many teachers. Some of them were certifiable whackos, and shouldn't have been allowed to influence children, especially since lessons you learn very early in life tend to stick with you forever, even after you know better.

About a week ago I trimmed three inches off my hair, so the shorter hair from the crown (accident with a straightening iron this past winter) could catch up. I miss the length. I was brushing it this morning, and wondering if I could somehow make it grow faster than the usual inch per month, scalp massage or something, and a weird picture popped into my head, with the caption "Do This! It works!"

When I was in middle school in Ottawa, Ontario, I had a teacher who told us odd stories. She'd interrupt a lesson to tell us stories that had nothing to do with anything. This is the same teacher who made us bring a spoon from home, and we'd line up every morning for a dose of cod liver oil. Every once in a while, in the spring and fall, we'd get castor oil.

She also told us that we could change the color of our eyeglasses frames by painting them with nail polish, and then when we got tired of that color, we could just peel it right off. My parents were furious when I ruined a pair that way.

Anyway, one day, in the middle of math class, she asked if we'd noticed that Swedish women all had very long braids. "Um, no?", we hadn't noticed.
"Well, they do. And do you know how they get them to grow so long?"
"Um, no?"
"When the women visit each other, they tie their braids together, and loop them over high hooks on the wall, and then hang there by their braids and knit and talk. That makes their hair grow faster."

So this morning, wondering if I could make my hair grow faster, I pictured myself hanging from a hook, and caught myself thinking I'd have to make the braids high on my head.

Brain clutter.

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