Sunday, July 23, 2006

812 Daughter and Hercules Are Married!

Daughter and Leading-Candidate-for-Son-In-Law are married. Ta-Rah!

They managed a sort-of elopement this afternoon. Her father and his mother were there as their witnesses. They called me just before the ceremony, and kept the phone open so I could hear, but something went wrong (why do I suspect her father, Ex#2, was holding the cell phone?) and all I could hear were a few slightly louder words, and somebody breathing. But there will be a video on their website soon, so I can eventually see it. (If I had a computer and a connection that could handle videos, that is....)

Now I have to come up with something other than "Leading-Candidate-for-Son-In-Law". I could use "Leading-Candidate-for-Father-of-My-Grandchildren", I suppose. Just plain "Son-In-Law" is so ... just plain.

Besides, I have this need to throw hints.

1 comment:

Ally said...

congratulations on the daughter & future father of the grandchildren!

elopement with family around...exciting way to do it!