Thursday, June 17, 2010

2990 I am small, too.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

"The word 'politics' is derived from the word 'poly', meaning 'many',
and the word 'ticks', meaning 'blood sucking parasites'."
-- Larry Hardiman --


People are all upset at the BP guy's reference to "the small people".

Oh, come on. Give it up! By "the small people" he means the ordinary folks who don't have gazillion-dollar lawyers behind them, who don't have power, who can't force anyone with power to recognize them, and anyone who doesn't recognize that is an idiot and is just looking for any little thing to complain about, to get people emotionally worked up. I don't think the term needs to be attributed to "an error in translation", demonstrates arrogance, or needs an apology. You are a "small person" when compared to multinational corporations - or any corporation or government, for that matter.

Hell of a lot of misplaced anger and emotional drum-beating going around. Get over it, folks. It was an accident. Now focus on the real issues.

1 comment:

rockygrace said...

I think it's kind of like when Leona Helmsley said "Only the little people pay taxes" - it just grates on the nerves.