Monday, September 14, 2009

2582 End of the week Bits 1

Monday, September 14, 2009

Epitaph: This is merely a temporary setback.

My own epitaph: Continued next page....


I went to a movie in Albany Friday night, saw "9". It was pretty ok. A bit thin, but a nice diversion. It was steampunk! I made that comment to the group, and not one person knew what I meant. It's odd, but I am noticing a difference between all-Mensan groups and mixed groups. If I had said steampunk to a Mensan group, the topic would have taken off.

This was a new-to-me meetup group. I'm finding that I'm more likely to critique the attendees to myself than the movie. Not something I admire about me, but there it is. There was one woman who is apparently a regular, and who may cause me to avoid the group. She's very large, and she bought the mega-ginormous popcorn, which is enough to make me question her sanity, but then she made it worse. The (triple) butter must not have been distributed well enough for her, because throughout the movie she shook the bag violently.

The group chose to sit in the stadium section, which must be popular because it filled up quickly. The popcorn woman, who was sitting right next to me, put her jacket on the seat in front of her, and didn't move it even when that row filled up. The stadium seats are so steep that it was not necessary to do it to preserve her view. She also put her feet up on the back of that seat, which made me cringe. But that wasn't the worst. She seemed to think that every substanceless thought that crossed her mind was of the utmost interest to everyone within earshot, and she spoke in a high, piercing, carrying voice, loudly! My voice is low. She interrupted and overrode me over and over, until I gave up saying anything, for fear it would trigger another inane thought.

I can deal with idiots. I can ignore idiots. I can't deal with or ignore a loud pushy idiot with an overdeveloped sense of entitlement.

As Mark at "Shoebox" observes, “There are some extroverts that you just wish weren’t.”


Instead of taking the Thruway home after the movie, I decided to take the back roads. It could have been a nice drive if it weren't for the people who don't dim their lights. About every fourth car on the windy hilly road blinded me with high beams.

I have to wonder if these are the same people who never (or always) use the caps key.

The careless blinding reminded me of a friend who once said that if he ever decided to commit suicide, he knew exactly how he'd do it. He'd speed on a back road, and run head-on into the first oncoming car that didn't dip their headlights. Suicide by high beam.

He figured that way, his death would be beneficial, ridding the world of someone who deserved it, who was flat-out asking for it.

So think of that next time you forget to lower your beams. That other car may be him, and he might have had a bad day.


The RED DOT on the Chart shows where I fit on the political map.

Your PERSONAL issues Score is 50%.
Your ECONOMIC issues Score is 30%.

According to your answers, the political group that agrees with you most is...


CENTRISTS espouse a "middle ground" regarding government control of the economy and personal behavior. Depending on the issue, they sometimes favor government intervention and sometimes support individual freedom of choice.

Centrists pride themselves on keeping an open mind,

tend to oppose "political extremes," and emphasize what

they describe as "practical" solutions to problems.

[World's smallest political quiz.]


1 comment:

Kate said...

I took this quiz too, and came out 50/50.