Wednesday, July 15, 2009

2502 So, you think your life sucks?

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Fritz Perls: "I am not in this world to live up to other people's expectations, nor do I feel that the world must live up to mine."


I've found the funniest website -, where "f" stands for a certain verb. Go visit. Waste some time. Feel a little better about your own life.

Some samples:

Today, my drunk boyfriend told me he thought of new positions for us to try in bed because it was getting boring. We haven't had sex yet. FML

Today, I received a parking ticket for $150 from my husband who is a police officer and who apparently can't remember license plate numbers.

Today, my boss came to my cubicle to give me my annual performance bonus. I was asleep at my desk.

Today, I found my long lost diary and curiously read it. What's worse than finding out that your mother read your diary? Finding out that your mother wrote comments in it.

Today, I have to choose between one eyebrow or none because I'm a heavy sleeper and my brother is a moron.

Today, I received 7 notifications on facebook. Girls in my grade were commenting on my photo because they knew the location of it. They then started to have a conversation and they planned a whole social event. On my photo. I wasn't invited.

Today, my boss requested that I re-organize every file in the office, because she wanted the filing cabinets alphabetized right to left, not left to right. To thank me, she came into my office to give me one uncooked ear of corn. I think my boss has mistaken me for some kind of farm animal.

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