Tuesday, April 07, 2009

2347 Foop.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Zayrina, over at her eponymous blog, (and technically I just used that word wrong, but at least I know that), describes a conversation with her coworkers about flatulence. And how a soda straw in the armpit of someone with an 8-year-old sense of humor can create a passing semblance (very subtle pun there).

Anyhoo, that reminded me of an incident when Daughter was very young. I was certain I had already written about it here, but a "search this blog" for "foop" didn't turn it up, and neither did Google when I looked for a key phrase from the story. Gee, aren't you supposed to forget things when you get older? I seem to be over-remembering or something.

So what the heck. I'll tell it again. Short version.

Very young Daughter and I were sitting at the table, she coloring and I drinking tea, when I heard "foop" from her side of the table.
Me: "What?"
She: "Huh?"
Me: "Did you just say something?"
She: "No."
A few seconds later, "foop foop. foop."
Me: "What?"
She: "Huh?"
Me: "Did you just say something?"
She: "Nooo..."
Me: "I thought I heard you say 'foop'."
She: "No ... oh! (laugh) That not me. That my bottom. That all he know how to say. Foop!"

She finished her coloring and took her picture off to show her father. A few minutes later, she came back.

She: "Daddy's bottom says 'BRRRRAAAAAAAAAP!'"
Me: (Once I stopped laughing) "What does my bottom say?"
She thought about that a long time, and finally said, "I don't know. Your bottom whispers."


What a difference 33 years makes. I've become more outspoken in my old age.


Zayrina said...

I read this earlier and then chuckled all the way to the store and back. I am afraid Santa and I have buttock-es that are fluent in BRRRRAAAAAAAAAP!

the queen said...

I foop but it smells like cookies. And how is eponymous wrong? And this almost made me want children.

~~Silk said...

I was hoping someone would ask. Technically, the person is the eponym, and it's the person, not the thing, that is eponymous when something is named after him or her. Correct usage is "Romulus is the eponymous founder of Rome". But it's difficult to use it correctly, awkward structure, so modern usage allows using it to define the thing.

I could have said "Zayrina, eponymous owner of a blog/the blog ...", but it was awkward, and I just wanted to use the word. So I caved in to convention.