Thursday, February 26, 2009

2287 Water, and a certain lack of support

Thursday, February 26, 2009

The plumber just called. He'll be by to drop off parts and materials this evening, then back "first thing" tomorrow to get started. He promises I'll have water tomorrow evening.

I was supposed to meet The Man this evening. It's been two weeks since we last got together. Last week he was putting in a lot of overtime with the auditors. Yesterday he canceled this evening because his car has died (electrical system), and won't be fixed until probably early next week. I don't know how he's getting to work. He had a rental for a few days, but apparently not now. I haven't asked.

I have the appointment with the surgeon tomorrow, so I really did want to see him this evening. He's aware of the appointment, but I guess not how I feel. I haven't told him.

I'm beginning to think maybe we have a communication problem. Being male, he sees no problem. I don't push him for explanations all the time, and I don't dump emotional crap on him, and if he notices at all I'm sure he appreciates that. But, I'm beginning to think that's going to have to change. He's going to have to give a little more.


If you're wondering what the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act contains, where the money's going, and would like to track it, go to, where you'll find tracking information, progress reports, a breakdown of various purposes of the money, and, if you want it, the complete text of the actual bill.


Following up on an earlier post, where Piper had advised me to sell some losing stocks, then buy them back after 30 days, to book a loss that we can apply against my taxes for the next few years - I didn't do it, for the reasons given in that post (near the bottom).


Becs said...

I have given up on my gentleman friend to provide me with any sort of sympathetic support. He just doesn't do emotions. When I see him, he feeds me well, watches movies with me and laughs at my joke. He is also a marathon cuddler.

But I would never, ever, never dream of crying on his shoulder. I know his reaction would be revulsion followed shortly by running away as fast as he can.

It's already changed but I doubt that he'll notice.

the queen said...

Your Man needs some alone time to mourn. The Best Band Ever will never be the same.

Did you ever get a chance to see them all live?

~~Silk said...

Queen - no. And that's a sore point, because he promised a BNL cruise, which didn't happen, and he promised me a concert, which didn't happen. Of course there were always overriding reasons, for those and other promises.

Pardon me. I'm feeling rather bitter tonight.

Herrad said...

Promises made and not kept are painful I hate them.

Think he needs to know the effect on you.

Take care, hope something good has happened to take the bitterness away.
Take care.

Christine Dempsey said...

Mmm. Difficulties. Emotional support is so essential to women. Men simply have no clue! I was emtionally distraught last week and my husband could do nothing but stand there and look at me pathetically. He told me he was afraid of me at that moment, thinking I might hurt him or something. Ridiculous.

Communication is the key. It was really hard explaining to him what I needed and why. He easily turns his emotions off and has no attachment to them, which he thinks I should work on doing.

Maybe ask your man if it's alright to talk about emotional issues or just bring something up preliminarily and see his reaction.

Here I think I have answers for you! HA!