Saturday, January 31, 2009

2247 Stuff I've Found

Saturday, January 31, 2009

This video cracks me up.

Mean Automakers Dash Nation's Hope For Flying Cars


This post cracks me up. Johnny Virgil of "15 Minute Lunch" went to a conference in Orlando. The mental image of the escalator incident is itself worth the read.


I use an online TV guide. I looked to see what was on at 9 pm, and noticed this entry:
9:00pm - 10:00pm, WTENR (10.3)
Battlestar Galactica

An interstellar warship protects survivors of a decimated civilization with a race of android predators in hot pursuit in this dark update of the 1978-80 space adventure.

Hmmm. Original air date was 1969, and it's an update of a version aired 10 years later. I'm confused. Time warp?

1 comment:

~~Silk said...

(Note - the real first episode of "Battlestar Galactica" was 1978. I think somebody has been watching "Lost". Not me - I get lost in the first five minutes of any Lost episode and drift away.)