Sunday, October 19, 2008

2078 Clutter on YouTube!

There are now over 80, almost 90, mostly identical clips of the Colin Powell interview on YouTube. It has grown from zero in only 14 hours. I'm sure there will be more, uploaded by people who think no one has seen it yet.

Clutter! They're going to kill YouTube with overload!

Is it really so difficult to check to see if there's already a copy of something before storing another? Is it an ego thing, to see one's own id on one's own copy?

(Um, one's "own" copy of copyrighted material. Oops.)

1 comment:

Chris said...

I could see up to a dozen of them (based on the lag from time you checked to see if already posted until the time you complete your youtube upload), but 80 sounds way outta line!