Tuesday, February 05, 2008

1671 A Unique Geek

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

I went to NJ yesterday, to visit a friend. My cinematic experience is sorely lacking, so on our last several dates he has been introducing me to his favorite movies. Last night was Monty Python's "The Meaning of Life". The e-card I had sent him for his birthday last year was the song about how unique we are in the universe (I forget the name, but Eric Idle sings it). I sent it because I thought it was beautiful. It cracked him up because of the connection with that movie, which I didn't know about. He thinks I'm lacking in geekiness, and he's working on fixing that.

I had commented that I always get more out of anything on the second viewing, so after we watch them he gives me the DVD. Not lends, gives. I'm building up quite a collection.

This is the first time I've seen him directly after work, before he has had a chance to decompress. Usually there's a long drive before he joins me. Last night he was mentally bouncing off walls, and I loved it!

Daughter and Hercules left for Florida today, to visit my sister and to see a shuttle launch (Thursday, I think). I'm jealous.


Is America to become an obamanation?

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