Sunday, July 22, 2007

1395 Van Setback

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Roman had said that he always makes copies of CDs to take in the car, never the originals. Until this laptop arrived, that was difficult for me, but last night I made some copies of favorites and it was easy.

A CD that The Man had made for me works on the PC, the house player, and in ONE of the vehicles, but won't play in the other (I forget which). So after I burned the CDs last night, I took them outside and tried them in the Aerio and the minivan. They worked.

However - I haven't driven the minivan in a little over a week, and it was fine then. Last night when I started it, the "check engine" light went on.

Not again. Please not again! Not after thousands of dollars, rental cars, and the forced purchase of the Aerio last year.

I opened and tightened the gas cap, and we'll see if that fixes it.

1 comment:

Chris said...

Are you burning them as "audio" cd's or just .wma or .mp3 ?

Some newer car stereos can play audio OR wma/mp3, but most older ones can only play "audio" cd's.

Hope the van is just a $.30 piece (then again, that would probably require $900 in labor, lol)