Friday, February 23, 2007

1130 Appearances Are Deceiving

Friday, February 23, 2007, 2 am

I haven't been feeling all that great lately. I'm not getting things done that need doing, and I'm not making any progress in what I want in my life. I'm feeling frustrated. But oddly, I don't think I've looked so good in at least ten years. I'm looking pretty darn good, in fact. Even with those stubborn last 15 pounds. At the Eclectic dinner, a woman across the table said that I looked beautiful tonight, and others agreed with her.

I'm not feeling beautiful. I'm feeling sad. I'm feeling old. I'm feeling like the years are ticking away, and I'm losing them. I think I need an intimate someone to take care of. So where is the glow coming from? It's not supposed to work like this.

I don't understand.

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