Wednesday, February 21, 2007

1127 Tagged!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

I have been tagged! Wow! I've never been tagged before! A first!

Becs, of "Becs Again", at, has challenged me to reveal six weird things about me.

Having read The Queen's weird things, I don't think I've got a lot to offer. I KNEW I shouldn't have read hers first! Now I feel so boringly normal.

Let's see - my main problem here is that I've already 'fessed up to so much in these pages, there's not much left.
  1. In contrast to Becs, I can't sleep alone in a dark room. I even take a low-wattage nightlight with me to hotels. I always put the nightlight behind something, so there's just a glow on the wall. Most nights at home I fall asleep with the reading lamp on, a pillow under my tummy, and my face in a book or a crossword puzzle I've cut out of the newspaper. I wake up with ink on my forehead. One of these days I'll wake up stabbed by the pencil. If I have company, then dark is ok.
  2. I didn't know why I had a period until I was seventeen. I thought it was because things were "developing" in there, and I expected it to stop as soon as I finished growing up.
  3. I have strange tastes in men. I like to look at guys like George Clooney, Johnny Depp, or the Korean guy on Lost, but that's all, just look. The ones I want to get to know and touch and maybe even cuddle with are more like Gene Wilder, Anthony Edwards, Morgan Freeman (pant pant!), Jackie Chan, and the like. (I probably spelled some wrong, but I'm not going to look them up.) I guess I like my men a little plain. They seem more masculine to me than the pretty ones.
  4. I have never ever in my entire life been happy with a professional haircut. The only person who can cut my hair right is me.
  5. I have no secrets. Anyone can ask me anything, and I'll honestly tell them all.
  6. My big toes turn up, which makes it hard to wear some shoes, and my second toe is longer than the big toe. The base of all my toes goes straight across my foot, no slant. But people who see them usually remark on how pretty my feet are before they realize that they're rather odd.


the queen said...

Hah! Well, if you look at it a certain way, our periods do stop when we grow up.

And I would be too ashamed to make that confession about an extra-long second toe. That's just freaky.

the queen said...

What put me over the top? Was it that grilled cheese sandwich thing?

~~Silk said...

My feet ARE pretty!!! So there! (I noticed at the Mensa convention in Florida last August that most members, by a wide margin, have a longer second toe. I guess it's genetically connected with social awkwardness.)

Actually, it wasn't the grilled cheese, although you're actually serving fried cheese sandwiches, it was the doll. You know what they say about people who torture animals or mutilate dolls in childhood. Are there any unsolved serial murders in your vicinity? Hmmm?