Monday, January 29, 2007

1097 Daughter Is Sick

Monday, January 29, 2007

Daughter has finally admitted she's sick. She stayed home from work today, and plans to stay home tomorrow. She saw the doctor and got another antibiotic (different from the one she got last week). Doctor thinks it's a sinus infection.

She said, "Mom, I'm so sick I didn't even take a shower today."

I have been very worried about her, because she seems to be constantly sick, not just now, but all the time - either coughing, or sore throat, or stuffed up. We're not talking just a few months here - it's more like the whole past year, and off and on for the previous several years. She coughs a lot, has been coughing forever it seems. She's physically active, and healthy in all her habits. I'm worried that there's something else wrong.

She was born with a hole in her heart, between the ventricles, which "closed on its own" within her first year. Coughing can sometimes be a sign of heart trouble - but, when she coughs, she has upper respiratory and/or throat symptoms too. So I don't know. Sometimes the coughing can roughen the tissues enough to allow an infection, so we don't really know which is the chicken and which the egg at this point.

I'm not allowed to push, so I can't do anything but wait and see.


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