Wednesday, December 27, 2006

1039 Bits

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

About two years ago I bought a silk scarf, sent direct from Southeast Asia. I came across the care tag yesterday. It's cute.

Maintenance & collection
. Be sure not to put the silk scarf in the damp non-ventilation or point-blank sunshine places, so as not to let silk scarf appear fungus spot and fade.
. Avoid the silk scarf being infected with chemical such as drier; cosmetics; perfume directly. If the scarf is infected with chemical carelessly, it should be washed in time, otherwise it's easy to become yellow.
. Collapse and level off the scarf; you can also perch it on the smooth clothes hanger.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Wow, they really covered all of their bases from fungus spots to folding.