Sunday, December 24, 2006

1030 Photos - the Machine, the Hunk, and Me

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Sometime in November I mentioned that the Hairless Hunk had taught me how to operate his ... I'm not entirely sure what to properly call it.
Marvelous Machine?
Man Toy?
The whole experience began when I was watching him tear out some stumps, and remarked that "I love to watch a man play with his toys." He offered to share his toys.



I really enjoyed it, and I got pretty fast and accurate.


This is The Hairless Hunk. He's laughing because as I was snapping the picture, I told him it wasn't going to be a very satisfactory photo. He asked why not, and I answered, "Because you have a shirt on."

He spends the whole summer in my yard shirtless, and THAT'S the picture I want. I'm almost sorry he's laughing, because it closed his pretty blue eyes. (Ok, Lady Chatterly has a crush on the groundskeeper. Big deal. I know not to touch. Looking is not only permitted, it's good for me.)

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