Friday, March 26, 2010

2912 Frozen Friday

Friday, March 26, 2010

"Truly great madness cannot be achieved without significant intelligence."
-- Henrik Tikkanen --


After spring-like weather the past week, nearing 70 on several days, we're frozen again. It got all the way up to 37 today, and is expected to dip into the mid to low teens overnight for a few days. I guess Mother Nature has discovered I just bought a convertible.

I spent some time yesterday paying bills and figuring out financial stuff, and then went to dinner in the evening with Mensa, at a Thai restaurant I've wanted to try for ages. It was very good. I think I really like Thai.

Roman sat across from me at the table. Angie and the Zig were next to him on his side, and they mostly talked with each other, and next to me were two rather hard of hearing rather dull guys who mostly talked to each other ("Wa'd she say?" "She asked if you want coffee." "Oh." "What?" "I said 'Oh." "Oh.") So Roman and I mostly talked with each other.

I do think Roman would like to try again. Nope, ain't gonna happen.

Today I walked past the rocking chair in the bedroom, and the sewing/hemming/mending pile on the chair slid to the floor. The heap is huge. I haven't actually seen the chair in years.

Sorting the heap and piling it back on the chair, I found a lot of stuff that I'd forgotten buying. When something looks really good on me, I'm likely to hem it immediately (I have to hem everything, usually shorten sleeves, too), but if it's just so-so on me, I throw it on the chair to be done when I get around to it. Since I've lost some weight, I tried some of it on, was surprised, and immediately hemmed two dresses and three pairs of slacks, and I found a skirt that fit perfectly - I don't know why it was on the pile. Whoop!

1 comment:

Becs said...

Yahoo! New clothes for free!