Thursday, January 08, 2009

2203 Weird News

Thursday, January 8, 2009

I promised myself only one post today. I have stuff I have to DO! But the "news" that has percolated to the top today is just too good to pass up.

First, there's Joe the Plumber. He's leaving for Israel, with press credentials. Yeah. Google joe plumber gaza to read all about it.

Then there's the surgeon who donated a kidney to his wife a few years ago. Now she's filed for divorce, and he wants the kidney back. Google divorce kidney for that one.

New research has shown that those work-at-home offers have a 54 to 1 scam ratio. Wow. Who'd have guessed?

And the most shocking of all, researchers at multiple universities have concluded that the more a competitor practices, the better he or she gets. Groundbreaking discovery!

1 comment:

Christine Dempsey said...

I can't believe that one about the Dr. who wants his kidney back. That's just about the most ridiculous thing I've heard in a long time!