Friday, August 08, 2008

1944 Thud

Friday, August 8, 2008

Piper said something today about not understanding what is wrong with today's youth, and then we laughed about how we're starting to sound like those "old folks" of our youth, who complained about everything all the time. Oh Good Grief, we're turning into our parents!

Well, yeah.

I guess with age comes experience, and we old folks have seen a lot. We pretty much know by now what works and what doesn't (if we're not stuck in a mental rut), and we're impatient when we see younger people making mistakes, and not accepting our advice because --- we're OLD! Obviously we don't understand "today's issues".


So, another Thud complaint. Category: Useless inventions.

I stopped at the deli to buy a cigarette lighter. They had small opaque ones, larger opaque ones, and transparent ones. I prefer transparent, because I like to know how much fluid is left.

But these transparents looked odd. Usually there are two columns of fluid. These had only one. The other side had something else going on.

I picked one up and examined it, and found a button on the side, which, when pushed, produced a tiny flashlight beam out of the bottom.

The kid behind the counter said, "Wow, that's neat. For like when you have to find a keyhole or something."

I said, "Not really. If it's dark and I'm going to dig in my purse or pocket for a cigarette lighter, I'm going to end up pulling out a cigarette lighter [flicking the flame on], so what would I need a flashlight for?" The kid looked stunned for a moment, then laughed.

And for this, I get half the fluid.

I guess the flashlight could come in handy after I run out of flame, except that I'd have bought another lighter by then.

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