Friday, May 16, 2008

1815 Roll On, Roll Off

Friday, May 16, 2008

Women often complain that their men don't put the toilet roll on the holder. He'll get a fresh roll out, but then it'll sit on the back of the john until she puts it on the holder.

Well, Jasper has discovered toilet paper. He's fascinated by everything bathroom, raptly watches the water swirl down the toilet, tries to splash all the water out of the tub, peers into the shower when I turn it on, finds my bushing my teeth enormously entertaining, and then one day he discovered toilet paper can be grabbed and pulled into the bedroom, where it can be torn into tiny bits all over Mommy's bed.

So the last time the paper ran out (thanks, Jasper) I didn't put the new roll on the holder.

And you know what? It's easier to use when it's loose.

I guess whether it's easier or not depends on whether you fold it for use or wad it. I'm a folder. When it's on the holder, I have to pull off a length, then fold it in half a few times. When it's loose, I pick it up with one hand, wrap the length zip zip around the other hand, and bam, it's folded and ready to go!

And when Jasper or Miss Thunderfoot makes gack noises on the bed (their favorite place), instead of tearing off a length, I can easily grab the whole roll and rip off a length as I run.

It may never go back on the holder.

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