Friday, April 18, 2008

1767 Friday Bits

Friday, April 18, 2008

Preserve wildlife - pickle a squirrel.


Kitty Update - I suspect that Jasper had his first birthday sometime in the past few weeks. He has tripled in size since I captured him last June. I think he's about 12 lb. now, and it's mostly muscle. I had thought he was going to be a very small cat, because he had itty bitty teeny tiny little paws. He still has itty bitty teeny tiny little paws, but with a big hulking teenaged boy body balanced on top. Looks weird.


Observation: "Freedom" is the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action. "License" is a freedom that is used with or allows irresponsibility, or disregard for rules of personal conduct. Too many people confuse the two. They think freedom automatically confers license.


The Hairless Hunk is out there spreading topsoil in the cleared woods, to level it out. It's 80 degrees, and he's not wearing a shirt. Terribly distracting.... Excuse me while I go supervise some more.

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