Thursday, December 20, 2007

1605 Santa?

Thursday, December 20, 2007

I awoke to another inch of snow on the driveway. Sigh. My arms are too sore today to attempt more shovel chopping, and the forecast is for some above freezing days with sun, so I'm going to let the drive go a little longer, I guess.

I walked down the driveway to go to the post office and grocery store this afternoon, and walking back up I could see my roof.

There's a trail of footprints on the roof, starting (or ending) at the garage, going across the ell, and then across and over the main roof. They're rather large dents in the fresh snow, spaced about two or more feet apart. I'd guess squirrel, except that squirrel prints would be in a line. These are alternating left and right, like human footprints.

'Tis a mystery.

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