Friday, November 16, 2007

1556 Triple Your Money

Late night. Stupid "paid program" on tv, trying to convince people to sell trashy junk for a drop-ship company. Any remote possibility that I might be tempted to try it evaporated when they showed an item that sells for $12, but "costs you only $4", giving you an $8 profit, "you instantly triple your money!"

I can't see doing business with a company that can't do simple math.


Chris said...

Well.....the former Arthur Anderson auditors assigned to Enron had to go to work somewhere after they lost their jobs;)

~~Silk said...

This was a test. I waited, and waited. It's now many years later, and I'm surprised not one person caught it. No one said anything. You started out with $4 in your hand. You ended up with $12 in your hand. You tripled your money.

I guess I just have the power to make people believe. I shoulda been a televangelist.