Saturday, June 09, 2007

1295 Cat Camera

Saturday, June 9, 2007

In Mr. Lee's owner's own words:
"Sometimes I have some challenging ideas, or crazy like some other people would say. This time I thought about our cat who is the whole day out, returning sometimes hungry sometimes not, sometimes with traces of fights, sometimes he stay also the night out.When he finally returns, I wonder where he was and what he did during his day. This brought me to the idea to equip the cat with a camera. The plan was to put a little camera around his neck which takes every few minutes a picture. After he is returning, the camera would show his day. "

Thus was born the CatCam.

You can read the technical details, special considerations, and see photos from Mr. Lee's rambles at

I was surprised that he hung out with so many other cats. I kinda expected him to be solitary, except for amour, perhaps.

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