Saturday, April 28, 2007

1221 Cards

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Angie, FirstWoman, Roman, and I went on a walk today, from under the Newburgh-Beacon bridge to the Balmville Tree and back. Then we went to Easy Street on the Newburgh waterfront for drinks and munchies (I had a very strong Bloody Mary and crab cakes), then to FW's to play cards.

Angie and FirstWoman partnered, and Roman and I - which didn't make a lot of sense, actually, because we were playing Spades, which both women were very familiar with, whereas it was relatively new to Roman and me. But I had promised FW that she wouldn't have to partner with him (Roman sometimes rubs her the wrong way), so I was the one who suggested the pairing.

They stomped us most of the way through. At one point they had like 300+ points and Roman and I were negative. But by the last couple hands, we got better (and they got reckless), and we ended in a tie. We figured that was a good way to end.

We've decided Mensa should have a monthly cards night. There's a group who regularly show up for a games night, but not cards.

We had a good time. I was in high spirits and came off with several of my famous completely unintended! double entendres, and Angie didn't let them pass. Mensans are quick.

Roman and I had only a tiny bit of time to talk. He's aware I'm into what may be a new relationship, and he's very curious. I didn't tell him much, only that I'm having fun ("I'm being courted, big time, and I like it"), and I'm going to follow it to the end, however long or short it is. I asked him howcome he's "out" on a weekend, and does she know he's with me. He said they agreed they needed some time off, and no, she doesn't know where he is. Good, because this may be a temporary break, and there's no need to annoy her even more.

I had a very nice conversation with Daughter this evening. She woke up in an all-day foul mood Thursday, and it took me until yesterday to figure out that a good portion of it had to do with my being with The Man Wednesday and Thursday. She can be very suspicious about men where her mother is concerned. But I guess I calmed her fears Thursday evening, and now she's even positive about him.

Tomorrow - draft horses.

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