Saturday, December 18, 2010

3202 Don't give me codeine

Saturday, December 18, 2010

"I'm not sure I want popular opinion on my side -- I've noticed those with the most opinions often have the fewest facts."
-- Bethania McKenstry --


Back in the dawn of time, in my 20s, I had frequent kidney infections. We never knew why, and I haven't had one since, but anyway - the doctors used to give me codeine for the pain. That's what was used back then.

It never worked. Didn't do a damn thing for the pain. And the doctors didn't believe me. They just patted me on the head and said of course it's working. Like they could somehow tell what I was feeling?

In later years, when doctors tried to give me codeine for back pain, I learned to tell them that I couldn't take codeine because it nauseated me horribly (it doesn't). They accepted that, where they wouldn't accept "It doesn't do anything for me" and they'd give me something else.

This morning I accidentally found this on Wikipedia, in the entry for co-proxamol:
...codeine is, in essence, a prodrug that requires in vivo metabolism to the more active opioid morphine for maximum efficacy, it is ineffective for some individuals with the "poor metabolizer" genotype of the liver cytochrome P450 enzyme CYP2D6.
I am vindicated! There's a reason it DOESN'T WORK FOR ME! It's not all in my head.

(I wounder if it's related to the asparagus piddle, cilantro soap, dropped colon, and skunk appreciation genes. I've got all those.)

So now I'm wondering - is it possible that people with fibromyalgia (it's "all in your head", "oh, you're overreacting to ordinary twinges", "you're an attention seeker") actually have one or another defective enzyme, and the pain is actual and real pain signals that would normally be moderated by these enzymes, but aren't, because they're defective? I mean, it's not like the medical community always knows exactly what's going on....


the queen said...

"Never knew why" - seriously? When my allergist found out I was having bladder infections in my early 20s he had Mom leave the room and told me about "honeymoon cystitis."

~~Silk said...

No bladder involvement (also, no male involvement, either. Ex#1 was in Germany for most of that time), that's why they couldn't figure out why. Actually, I suspect it wasn't a real kidney infection at all - I suspect it was actually just nerve pain from the old ruptured disk in my middle back, felt in the kidneys.

Becs said...

My mother couldn't tolerate opioids - they gave her horrible hallucinations. Nor could she tolerate penicillin or a drug derived from nicotine.

Doesn't everyone have asparagus pee?

Oh - and I wonder when they're going to figure out that in some people (not me), Prozac can cause a psychotic episode.

~~Silk said...

Everyone has asparagus piddle, but only some people can smell it. That's why some people claim they don't get the odor - they do, but they can't smell it.