Tuesday, June 08, 2010

2981 Double double toll and trouble

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Love longs for union.


I filled out the two E-ZPass dispute forms yesterday evening, included a check in each for the actual toll, and mailed the return envelopes last night. Two seconds after dropping them in the mailbox outside the PO, at 11 PM, I realized that the 1st class postage had gone up in April, and I'd used old stamps, without adding the extra 2-cent stamps.


I don't know what happens to postage-due mail these days. I don't have time to find out, because if the violation isn't paid or disputed within a very short time frame, the fine doubles.

So I went to the NJ E-ZPass website to file the dispute there, and pay the toll maybe with a credit card. Surprise - all I had to do there was tell them I have a valid NY E-ZPass, and they'll charge the toll to that account, and forgive the violation and fine.

Duh? Why couldn't the notices I had received say that in the first place? So now I hope the forms I mailed come back to me so I can tear the checks up.


One of the problems with retirement is that you forget what day it is. There's a movie I want to see showing at the artsy-fartsy theater, on Wednesday, at 5:45. I glanced at the clock this afternoon, noticed it was already 4:45, and panicked. Ran out of the house barely put together and unwashed, went to the theater, tried to buy a ticket, and the clerk said, "You're 24 hours early. Is that ok?"


Today's Tuesday.


Jasper seems to think there's mice in the master bath and the dining room. He's been trying to rearrange those rooms. He's so cute when he's intent. He doesn't get enough play, enough mental stimulation, so I haven't objected to being awakened several times a night by his frantic leaps and scrabblings.


Another thing that's cute is pointing. When you try to point to something with a dog, to direct a dog's attention, the doggie will sniff your finger.

When you point with a cat, the cat will rub her cheeks on your finger.

Beasties just don't understand pointing - except my old long-gone Smokie cat. She would actually look where you pointed, and I didn't have to teach her that.

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