Wednesday, March 31, 2010

2919 Cold Feet

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

One nice thing about egotists: they don't talk about other people.


I wonder if Daughter has had second thoughts about Mother living across the street. In a phone call today she blathered about "boundaries", and how I might prefer a one-floor ranch, and about how property taxes are very high, and how if I want to move down there, she'd be willing to find me another more suitable house. The implication being "someplace else".

Behind the house I'm looking at, at the end of the back yard, there's a steep descent into a ravine. Apparently, the cliff is part of the property. She said the neighbor was paying $6,000/yr in property taxes, but when the houses were reappraised recently, it went up to $16,000/yr because of that additional property, that apparently hadn't been considered before.

That's ridiculous, of course, because, being unusable and unsaleable, that land has no value. In fact, it's a deficit to the property, since it can be dangerous, and because of some strange building code, you can't have a raised deck on the house - even though the bank is at least 50 feet (probably more) from the house. Therefore it should reduce the value, not increase it.

I don't understand.


Daughter forgets I'm good at internet research. I looked at houses for sale in the area, in the same price range, and the taxes are about the same as or a little less than what I'm paying here. Of course, the ravine is still a question, but I think that could be fought.

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