Saturday, February 20, 2010

2784 Stupid test day.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

We must never confuse dissent with disloyalty.
-- Edward R. Morrow --


Your result for The 3 Variable Funny Test...

Your humor style:

Your humor has an intellectual, even conceptual slant to it. You're not pretentious, but you're not into what some would call 'low humor' either. You'll laugh at a good dirty joke, but you definitely prefer something clever to something moist.

You probably like well-thought-out pranks and/or spoofs and it's highly likely you've tried one of these things yourself. In a lot of ways, yours is the most entertaining type of humor because it's smart without being mean-spirited.

Take The 3 Variable Funny Test at OkCupid

Yeah, I guess. The fastest way for a new acquaintance to turn me off completely is to tell a dirty or mean-spirited joke. I also don't find video clips of people getting hurt at all funny, no matter how stupid their actions were.


Your result for The Commonly Confused Words Test...

English Genius

You scored 100% Beginner, 100% Intermediate, 100% Advanced, and 100% Expert!

You did so extremely well, even I can't find a word to describe your excellence! You have the uncommon intelligence necessary to understand things that most people don't. You have an extensive vocabulary, and you're not afraid to use it properly! Way to go!

Take The Commonly Confused Words Test at OkCupid


Your result for The LONG Scientific Personality Test...

INTJ -The Mastermind

You scored 18% I to E, 47% N to S, 52% F to T, and 42% J to P!

You are more introverted than extroverted. You are more intuitive than observant, you are more thinking based than feeling based, and you prefer to have a plan rather than leaving things to chance. Your type is best described by the word "mastermind", which belongs to the larger group called rationals. Only 1% of the population shares your type. You are very strong willed and self-confident. You can hardly rest until you have things settled. You will only adopt ideas and rules if they make sense. You are a great brainstormer and often come up with creative solutions to difficult problems. You are open to new concepts, and often actively seek them out.

As a romantic partner, you can be both fascinating yet demanding. You are not apt to express your emotions, leaving your partner wondering where they are with you. You strongly dislike repeating yourself or listening to the disorganized process of sorting through emotional conflicts. You see your own commitments as self-evident and don't see why you need to repeat something already expressed. You have the most difficulty in admitting your vulnerabilities. You feel the most appreciated when your partner admires the quality of your innovations and when they listen respectfully to your ideas and advice. You need plenty of quiet to explore your interests to the depth that gives you satisfaction.

Your group summary: rationals (NT)

Your type summary: INTJ
Take The LONG Scientific Personality Test at OkCupid

Hmmm. Ok. I mostly agree with the first paragraph, but not so much with the second. I DO express my emotions, my partner never has to wonder. I enjoy sorting through emotional conflicts, and I have been accused of repeating stuff, just to make sure they "got it" and completely understand it, you know?


Your result for The Best Personality Type for You Test...

ENTJ - Commandant

You scored 75 I versus E, 40 N versus S, 80 F versus T, and 100 J versus P!

Your ideal mate is known as The Commandant. As a romantic partner, this type is inspiring, but also somewhat challenging. They have a strong desire to be in charge and their clear need for an organized life and home can be overwelming to a partner. They like to confront conflict directly, discuss problems unflinchingly, solve them, then put them behind you both. However, they can be too impatient or unwilling to take the time to listen to their partners and give them a chance to express themselves fully so that their partners also have a sense of closure. They are generally uncomfortable dealing with emotions, so they are apt to dismiss their partner's emotions as illogical. They feel most appreciated when their partners ask for their opinions, take their advice, and rely on them to get a job done right.

The group summary: rationals (NT)

The type summary: ENTJ

Take The Best Personality Type for You Test at OkCupid

Hmmm. When I took this test, I very carefully did NOT consider any of the men I've been involved with, ever. I really did consider the choices carefully, and tried to choose descriptors of the ideal man, one whom I could both live with and respect. Some of the choices were between those two - be comfortable with, OR respect - and in those cases I chose respect over comfort. I vastly prefer that I respect my man over his being easy to get along with.

I am shocked. I ended up with The Man. That's him to a T, except that he avoids confrontation. Not surprising, since in the one big area where we have conflict, he knows he's wrong. Plus he's all Man, and Man-types avoid emotional conflict (settling on a nickname for him was not difficult!) I've seen him address exterior conflict, and I have a lot of respect for him there.

1 comment:

Chriz said...

INFP English Genius here. Always love a fun quiz!