Tuesday, October 13, 2009

2619 It may as well be a herd of buffalo.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

"Next time I will...." "From now on I will...." -
What makes me think I am wiser today than I will be tomorrow?
Hugh Prather, Notes to Myself


Jasper is dismantling the house.

I've had cats almost all my life.  Most were adopted straight from their mothers, a few were found strays who had obviously been pets, but Jasper is my first tamed feral.  Most of my cats showed no interest in mice.  A few considered them toys, and gifts for Mommy once they stopped moving and sort of "fell apart".  Jasper knows mice are food, and he actively hunts.

Now is the time of year when mice, looking for a warmer home, somehow manage to get into the house.  

Jasper must have seen a mouse go behind one of the bookcases in the hall.  He systematically removed all the books from the bottom two shelves of all four while I was out yesterday.  That's 24 board feet of books spread all over the floor.

Today he's convinced a mouse is here in the den, where there are piles of paper, fabric, and computer parts all over the place, making good hiding places.  They are no longer piles.  Now it's all scattered mixed mounds.

I'm happy he's getting some exercise and enjoying himself.  But I wonder if I could rig some kind of little treadmill and laser lure contraption before he takes anything else apart.


the queen said...

Love the idea of the cat cleaning off the bookshelves. Fred the original dog did that to mom once when she locked him in the den.

~~Silk said...

The major advantage of a cat doing it over a dog is that a cat is unlikely to chew or piddle on them. No mouse, no interest.