Monday, September 28, 2009

2604 Science Club American

Monday, September 28, 2009

Trevanian, The Eiger Sanction:  "My admiration for you has found new limits."

I love that!  The best part is that the person to whom you would say it probably won't get it.

While in the doctor's waiting room last Friday I picked up a Scientific American to peruse.  Jay'd had a subscription, which I had allowed to lapse after  he died, so I hadn't seen a copy in several years.

I was shocked! 

I am aware that everything, it seems, has been "dumbed down"**, but I never expected that the dumbing down of America would extend all the way to Scientific American.  It literally turned my stomach.  I hyperventilated.

S.A. used to be full of chemical and mathematical formulae, diagrams, and facts.  Now it's all puff pieces.  No depth, no detail, nothing esoteric.  It looks like they want to appeal to the people who read People in private, but who will pretend to read S.A. to look smart in public.

I Googled "Scientific American" dumbed and found several people who share my opinion and distress.  The magazine has new owners.  Articles that had once been written by the scientists who did the work are now written by staff writers, with a populist slant.  Welcome to the idiocracy, S.A.


**I don't like the use of "dumb" to mean "stupid".  "Dumb" means "cannot speak", and has nothing whatsoever to do with intelligence.

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