Saturday, August 29, 2009

2565 Cold

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Those who think history repeats itself will be forced to relive it.

(Not what it seems.)

I could have taken stuff to the recycle center this morning. I didn't. I could go to the county fair today. I won't. I could go to an auction this evening. I shan't. Instead, I'm holed up here trying to keep warm.

It's cold out there! Low 60s. Right now it's above 70 in the house, but I think I may have to switch from A/C to heat by this evening. I figure what few warm days we'll have from now on can be handled by windows and the attic fan.

After spending Thursday at the hospital with FW, I did absolutely nothing yesterday, except clean out all the stuff that had arrived on the internet. I don't know why, but I didn't feel like doing anything else. It looks like today might be the same.

I've got medical insurance stuff to work on, and the father-in-law's estate is about to be settled, so I've got an 80-page report to review and then I have to call the attorney, and Daughter wants me to locate childhood photos for her, and I'm to the point where if I don't do laundry soon I'll have to buy more underwear, and, and, and .... I probably won't do any of it today.

You know, I think it's just because it's cold. I can't face losing summer.

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