Monday, May 25, 2009

2408 Dog Walk

Monday, May 25, 2009

Yesterday I went on an easy hike with one of the groups I joined last week, the dog people. I guess because it was a holiday weekend, there were only three other women and two dogs. We met at the upper parking lot of the Comeau property in Woodstock, and then followed the trail through the woods and along the creek. Along the way, we met a lot of other people with their dogs, including a beautiful pair of Rhodesian Ridgebacks.

The other women were about 30 years younger than I, with long legs, so I had to hustle a bit to keep up, but it was ok.

It was all fairly flat, only two or three short banks to climb, and only 1.5 hours, much of which was spent throwing sticks into the creek for the dogs to fetch, but I guess I'm out of shape. My hips and upper thighs are snorting at me today. But that's good. I need more of that.

Driving through Woodstock was an experience in itself. The place was packed! There was a drum circle on the green, and all the cafes' outside patio business had spilled out onto the sidewalks. Of course, being Woodstock, people just crossed the street randomly, stopped cars randomly, even parked randomly.

By the way, when all the parking spaces in the village are full, there's still parking available in lots off Comeau road. Seems like nobody knows about those lots, even though there's a sign on Tinker Street pointing to them.

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