Friday, November 07, 2008

2103 Thursday in Newburgh

Friday, November 7, 2008

The Man and I met in Newburgh last night, at one of his favorite karaoke bars. There were some other guys there, about the same age as The Man, who were very good. They kind of knew The Man from previous evenings, and last night they started having fun, backing each other up or dancing around whichever was singing.

I think he had a good time. I know I did, watching them.


I called Piper this morning, because we'd had a tentative lunch meeting set up, but mainly because yesterday I received a letter from New York State saying that I owed more on my taxes, and they're assessing penalties. I can't believe the 2008 tax crap isn't over YET!

He said he wasn't up for lunch, and would probably be leaving the office soon. Said he had terrific abdominal cramps. He said he'd call me in the afternoon to let me know how he was, but he didn't call. I drove past his office a little over an hour ago when I went to the post office, and his flag wasn't out, so I guess he did go home early. I hope he's ok.

Everywhere else, my world is completely blah.

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