Wednesday, March 12, 2008

1724 Musical Transformers

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I haven't paid much attention to the rock genre of popular music since the early 90s. It seemed to me that the object had become simply to make loud noise. Drummers had become either mechanical or maniacal. No one sang any more, they shouted. I figure that if your shoulders relax and drop when the "music" ends, it isn't music. It's just noise.

I discovered a year or two ago that I sort of like a lot of the Grateful Dead. That surprised me. Driving home from dinner last night I heard something on the radio that I really liked. The music was intricate, and the musicians really knew what they were doing. A lot of talent there. The vocal part was a bit loud and hoarse-throaty, verging on shouting, but it was still singing, there was an actual melody, and if the guy had relaxed a bit, he would have been pretty good. I really like both the guitar and drums.

Imagine my surprise when I discovered it was Metallica, "Wherever I May Roam".

Me? Metallica?

So when I got home, I searched YouTube for the video, and rediscovered my other complaint. I don't like the violence inherent in so much of this music, or at least in the performances. If I turn my back on the screen, if I hear but not see it, I like it. If I watch the performance, I dislike it.

Odd, eh?

Well, here it is. The first is accompanied by photos, not a performance. Even if you don't like the music, you have to admit there's real, admirable, talent there.


And here's a video with performance, same selection. It starts out ok, but as it goes on and the energy goes up, I feel more and more negative. Anyone else have the same reaction?



Chris said...

I'm not the Metallica type either but I really love their song Sandman for working out.

~~Silk said...

So naturally, I had to goto YouTube, and find "Enter Sandman". Yeah! I like it! Oh good grief, what does this meeeeean?! Is something happening to my head?

I'm sure you have your favorite version, Chris, but check out this one: - with the San Francisco Symphony. It's quite different.