Monday, January 14, 2008

1638 Fireplaces I Have Known

In the previous post, it sounds like we watched movies in a fireplace.

That reminded me of a guy I knew in Washington Mensa, in the early '80s. He liked me, and at a party one evening he was trying to talk me into leaving with him and going to his apartment. "We can sit in front of a fire with a glass of wine and you can tell me about (whatever it was we'd been talking about, I forget)."

I had been to a party at his place a few weeks previously, and I frowned and said, "Your apartment doesn't have a fireplace."

He responded, perfectly seriously, "No, but there's a corner of the dining room I'm not using."

We didn't get together that evening, but ... eventually. How could anyone resist that line? I was ready to laugh every time I saw him after that, and that always works, sooner or later.

1 comment:

the queen said...

That's even better than Gary's line, "The stereo sounds better in the bedroom."